

  • 2016-10-07 08:47:56
  • google
  • nz Новая Зеландия
  • Комментарии - 1
  • Сервера - 0
  • Игроки - 0
  • XTheRaptorPlayX про игрока XTheRaptorPlayX Hey All.

    I don't know how I can add information onto this but I am the owner of the account XTheRaptorPlayX. I have my own YouTube Channel which is the same as my username and I will most likely be playing on the server Mineplex. I also record and play with another YouTuber called Wazzup229 whose Minecraft username is Wazzup229_.
    I hope the you will enjoy this bit of information about me and if you want to know anything else about me just comment me the questions on one of my videos or i will occasionally check up on my page.

    Thanks, XTheRaptorPlayX

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