

  • 2016-07-26 21:01:43
  • google
  • de Германия
  • Комментарии - 1
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  • SirJackDaBest про сервер : Hello star, would be bad if you for some bad reports on your server for the lack of respect from staff, i think he was Starry he has banned me for no apparent reason, when I think I am a higher rank than himself because if im right SirAshyDaPegasus is a owner and i am her assistant, so that would technically make me a higher rank than him and I do think its a rule not to ban a higher rank than yourself, if you need my user name again it is: SirJackDaBest.

    Thank you,
    SirJackDaBest [Ashy'sAssisstant]
    Staff of KHS (KawaiiHigh School)

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