

  • 2016-07-18 12:13:48
  • google
  • us США
  • Комментарии - 1
  • Сервера - 0
  • Игроки - 0
  • Big_D_Talmage про игрока Talm1 I am Talm1. I am an extraordinary PvPer who uses a rod, lava, f&s, blocks, and water bucket to my advantage, as well as being an outstanding sword and bow PvPer. I consider myself to be in some of the highest percentile when it comes to PvP. My building skills are just average though. My parkour skills are above average but not remotely as good as my PvP skills. I am bad at redstone too. I have had two previous accounts, _MysticFog_(now my alt) and cobblestone21(brother's account), and usually play on hypixel. I am an extraordinary player who is not accounted for because I don't do YouTube. I also commonly get friend/party invites after a game of Skywars or something. I'll party but rarely friend them. That's all for now I'll update occasionally.
  • 4798

