

  • 2015-12-07 22:34:24
  • google
  • fr Франция
  • Комментарии - 2
  • Сервера - 0
  • Игроки - 0
  • iCatCar про игрока icatcar Hi @djoice I AM iCatCar, and I bought this account myself. I know I've been hacked some times, but I don't know who played with it, because I got recently banned on different servers for cheating, whereas I never cheated on Minecraft... I'm Sorry if some peoples make bad thing with my account, but now I try to make sure it's secure by changing my password more often. Sorry again, iCatCar (I'm French, sorry for mistakes... :D)
  • iCatCar про игрока iCatCar @djoice I AM iCatCar, and I bought this account myself. I know I've been hacked some times, but I don't know who played with it, because I got recently banned on different servers for cheating, whereas I never cheated on Minecraft... I'm Sorry if some peoples make bad thing with my account, but now I try to make sure it's secure by changing my password more often. Sorry again, iCatCar (I'm French, sorry for mistakes... :D)
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