Players rating - MasterLand 1.17.30

Players rating based on the total time, spent on the server MasterLand 1.17.30. TOP of the best players being from the moment of adding a server to monitor (25.02.2021), updated statistics and simulated time occur once a day. This list shows the best players of the server MasterLand 1.17.30.

In TOP 3898 players. Last updated of the players ranking was 2021.10.19 12:45. The rating will be updated 2021.10.20 02:59.

All Time

# Player name Time
1 FolkKronoxT1 FolkKronoxT1 475:00 h
2 Alexloves7w7 Alexloves7w7 326:40 h
3 xTicciTobyx3733 xTicciTobyx3733 300:50 h
4 FolkABB FolkABB 300:30 h
5 Heidis011101 Heidis011101 274:00 h
6 Viri03gz Viri03gz 242:30 h
7 N0ARCK N0ARCK 241:00 h
8 Arquiadus Arquiadus 219:20 h
9 AME032324 AME032324 217:00 h
10 xXHolaGamerXx xXHolaGamerXx 216:10 h
11 PotatitoxdOuO PotatitoxdOuO 209:10 h
12 StrawPainter241 StrawPainter241 179:10 h
13 AdirexmaxFenix AdirexmaxFenix 177:50 h
14 NotWolf7 NotWolf7 173:50 h
15 luisomegonorrea luisomegonorrea 156:30 h
16 Paola2870 Paola2870 145:00 h
17 xEmmisax xEmmisax 144:30 h
18 BestZIMMER550 BestZIMMER550 133:50 h
19 NonCrescent206 NonCrescent206 129:30 h
20 chicagamer5748 chicagamer5748 124:00 h
21 Edup9483 Edup9483 123:10 h
22 Nikolasmc3923 Nikolasmc3923 120:40 h
23 Foxygamer107517 Foxygamer107517 119:30 h
24 Luisb12345 Luisb12345 119:30 h
25 DinoGames12 DinoGames12 118:50 h
26 Game8864 Game8864 118:30 h
27 Carlos32581 Carlos32581 115:40 h
28 RiverAlloy1096 RiverAlloy1096 114:00 h
29 MochyRed606 MochyRed606 114:50 h
30 MouseyMoises MouseyMoises 113:20 h

server ip address and port




